About 4 years ago, a few colleagues and myself got together and we created a short video about the coolness of two of the most innovative products from Sun of the last decade: ZFS and the X4500 Server.
Today, nearly 4 years later, the video has been downloaded more than 100,000 times (across the original German and the English dubbed version, plus the full resolution downloadable files) and shown to a lot more people during tradeshows, customer demos, etc.
Now YouTube and Google Video (remember?) don’t allow for highest video quality and the old Sun Mediacast server, where we hosted the original MP4 file, no longer exists. Instead, Vimeo has emerged as my video hoster of choice for a variety of projects (check out my video collection on Vimeo) and so it was time to give this video a new home.
For your viewing pleasure.
Watch the English dubbed version:
Or if you understand German (or have a taste for movies in original language), watch the original:
The original CSI:Munich blog post explains some of the technical background of the video, as does its German counterpart post “Solaris ZFS auf 12 USB-Sticks: Ein “Thumper” für Arme!“.
It’s amazing to see how far ZFS has made it today. Still, there’s no other file system I know of that can be configured in seconds, provides data integrity at mathematically deep levels, implements database-like transaction safety, comes with a high-end featureset and gives you so much as ZFS.
And the possibilities of ZFS continue to expand. Stay tuned.
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